Sunday, March 16, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Midterms+Jury Duty+Not Being so "Couple-y" w/boyfriend+Going to Kansas for Spring Break= Life is wonderful~

Saturday, March 1, 2008
Good Day- omit some things...
I say it's a good day because I did artwork... That's always good~ Thennnn I had a very good lunch and pleasant chat with Ann and Jenny.
Ann---> Jenny's old roommate from a year ago. She's the nicest person ever and one of those people who I look up to. I volunteered to have my teeth looked at by her because she was going to school for dental hygiene, haha, good times. Anyway she's in her thirties (although she doesn't look it), married to a successful guy, has a nice house, watches Ninja Warrior= awesome...
I met Jenny through working at Sky Blue Wasabi and she has become one of my closest friends... I don't know what I'd do without her. *sigh* I love them!!
Pero mi madre consistently gave me... talk. Crap, whatever... Usually she nags me about something at least once a day or whatever, it's alright, but today I got so much packed in one day... ;_; All I can do is give her the nod of my big head.
"It's embarrassing... You're spending money on a Korean class, and you don't practice it... There are students who work 3 jobs, go to school and know 9 different languages." I can never use an excuse like "I am too busy... Everything is piling up all at once..." Haha...
"Marry an accomplished engineer/doctor/lawyer..." I can't use "I'm not going to marry anytime soon," or "I'm not going to marry... forever..." She fires back with "Then you'll have no money."
Then there's "your legs are really short!" ten times in a row... and there's more, but I don't feel like discussing it--- -here- at least... haha... Well, no need for self-pity~
I believe Sam and Natasha are more capable of producing awesome artworks, but they're not doing it?? Without Sam I wouldn't be doing this... I almost gave up... but I got it done, yay!!
I also scanned my sketch before the final thing... Hehe...
I used mixed media: acrylic, gouache, water color, ink, markers...